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A living Jesus
for a dying world

Get started with CIfI

A living Jesus
for a dying world

Get started with CIfI

A living Jesus
for a dying world

Get started with CIfI

A living Jesus
for a dying world

Get started with CIfI

A living Jesus
for a dying world

Get started with CIfI

A living Jesus
for a dying world

Get started with CIfI

A living Jesus
for a dying world

Get started with CIfI

A living Jesus
for a dying world

Get started with CIfI

A living Jesus
for a dying world

Get started with CIfI

A living Jesus
for a dying world

Get started with CIfI

A living Jesus
for a dying world

Get started with CIfI

A living Jesus
for a dying world

Get started with CIfI

A living Jesus
for a dying world

Get started with CIfI

A living Jesus
for a dying world

Get started with CIfI
CIfI: The Christian Initiative for India

What we live for.

CIfI Contact

Christian Initiative for India
Holstenstraße 119
22765 Hamburg
Phone: +49(0)40311351


Account for donations
Account for donations D

Evangelische Bank e.G.
IBAN DE52520604100006421342


IBAN DE87200505501250131362

Account for donations CH

please use the german Evangelische Bank accout, see above. There will not be extra costs if you send it as SEPA only.

Account for MM-Fund (Marriages)

Evangelische Bank e.G.
IBAN: DE43520604100206421342

Mission account
Mission account international

Evangelische Bank e.G.
IBAN DE96520604100106421342